X-Cube by Molecubes // Pre-clinical CT-Scanner

The X-Cube is a high-throughput x-ray CT-scanner for pre-clinical mouse and rat models. The CT imaging procedure is very fast and gives images of the complete animal body at extremely low dosages and with an excellent soft tissue contrast. Advanced workflows such as gated and dynamic contrast enhanced imaging can be achieved in a functional and integrated set up.
- Contact
Dr. Ivonne Regel
+49-89-4400-73178, ivonne.regel@med.uni-muenchen.de
Prof. Dr. Sybille Ziegler
+49-89-4400-77619, sybille.ziegler@med.uni-muenchen.de - Location of device
LMU Klinikum, Campus Großhadern
Preclinical Imaging Lab - Service
Basic material: small animal models (mouse or rat) with an approve health report - Costs
on request
Keywords: ImagingD, modelsyD